Sabtu, 28 Juni 2014

Make 10 Tests of toefl

1. Woman: Pardon me. Do you know what time that this store opens?
Man: I do not, but I believe that it is written on the door.
Narrator: What does the man imply that the woman should do?
a. Look on the door
b. Open the door
c. Ask someone else
d. Come back later

2. Woman: I am going to buy Johnny a toy train for his birthday.
Man: Are you sure he’d like one?
Narrator: What does the man imply?
a. Johnny loves toy trains
b. Johnny already has too many toy trains
c. Johnny said he wants a toy train
d. Johnny may prefer something else

3. Man: I need some shampoo for my hair.
Woman: All of the shampoo is in the back of the store on the third shelf.
Narrator: What will the man probably do?
a. Walk out of the store
b. Buy the shampoo
c. Come back later
d. Go to another store

4. Man: Are you going to go to the University of Texas to get your Doctorate?
Woman: I don’t think so.
Man: Why, have you been accepted to any other schools?
Woman: Yes, I have received news of acceptance from LSU, University of
Tennessee, and Harvard.
Narrator: What are the speakers discussing?
a. The University of Texas
b. Schools with Doctorate programs
c. Where the woman will go to school
d. Who can get accepted to the most schools

5. Man: I’m really tired on studying for economics every weekend.
Woman: I hear you.
Narrator: What does the woman mean?
a. She has excellent hearing
b. She has heard the man talk about this frequently
c. She understands his point of view
d. She needs to have her ears checked

6. Man: We are going to get ice cream. Would you like to come with us?
Woman: I am waiting for a package to be delivered.
Narrator: What does the woman imply?
a. She does not eat ice cream
b. She has no money
c. She does not like packages
d. She will not be going

7. Woman: Are you going to go to the ball game?
Man: You bet!
Narrator: What does the man mean?
a. He will place a wager on the ball game
b. He will definitely go to the ball game
c. He likes to gamble
d. He does not like ball games

8. Man: That’s a nice car.
Woman: I got it almost four years ago.
Man. It looks brand new.
Woman: Yes, it’s in good shape.
Narrator: What does the woman mean?
a. The woman needs a new car
b. She likes to exercise
c. She has a new car
d. The car is in good condition

9. Man: Did you get you movie passes?
Woman: I spoke to your secretary about it, and she took care of it for me.
Narrator: What does the man mean?
a. The secretary was responsible for getting the movie passes
b. The are no movie passes
c. He has the movie passes
d. The movie passes are in the mail

10. Man: How do you like living in America?
Woman: I am used to it know.
Narrator: What does the woman mean?
a. She has always liked living in America
b. She hates living in America
c. She is accustomed to living in America
d. She would rather live in America

Kunci Jawaban :
1. a.   
2. d.   
3. b.   
4. c.   
5. c.   
6. d.   
7. b.   
8. d.   
9. a.   
10. c. 

1                1   He knows to repair the caburetor without taking the whole car apart.
Nomor 1: Dia tahu untuk memperbaiki … He knows to repair … ini tidak logis, alias kurang, semestinya: Dia tahu bagaimana cara memperbaiki
Jadi bahasa inggrisnya mesti: He knows how to repair
2. Some of us have to study their lessons more carefully if we expect to pass this examination (our)
Nomor 2: Ini soal Agreement atau kesesuaian, us itu temannya bukan their melainkan our. Jadi pilihan b semestinya our.
3. The equipment in the office was badly in need of to be repaired. (In need of repair)
Nomor 3: kalo in need of itu berbeda dengan need sebagai kata kerja.
contoh: Jill is in need of money. (= Jill needs money).
dalam kasus ini: pilihan D seharusnya repair. In need of repair (bukan In need of to be repaired)
Dalam bahasa indonesianya : Butuh perbaikan (bukan butuh untuk diperbaiki)
4. although both of them are trying to get the scholarship, she has the highest grades.
Nomor 4: Disini aturannya adalah, kalau yang diperbandingkan hanya 2 item, maka gunakan bentuk -er (comparative) dan bukan bentuk -est (superlative). Jawaban yang benar adalah higher.
5. There are a large supply of pens and notebooks in the storeroom to the left of the library entrance. (is)
Nomor 5: Soal Agreement. Subjeknya suplai. Bukan supplies. Maka to be-nya seharusnya There is bukan There are. Pilihan a harus diganti is.



‘Enough’ can qualify an adjective or an adverb or it can go with a noun or even act as a pronoun.

With adjectives and adverbs
  • She isn’t tall enough to be a ballet dancer.
  • I’m afraid your work just isn’t good enough.
  • I couldn’t write quickly enough and I ran out of time.
  • I haven’t been to lessons often enough to have really learnt much.
Enough comes after adjectives and adverbs.

With nouns
  • There isn’t enough bread to make sandwiches.
  • Have you got enough money?
  • There aren’t enough nails.
Enough comes before nouns.

Enough of
  • There isn’t enough of bread
We don’t use enough of unless there is a determiner (an article, this/that, my/your/his etc).
We use enough of when there is a determiner.
  • I’ve had enough of your nonsense! ‘Your’ is a determiner here.
  • I haven’t seen enough of the film to really form an opinion.
Enough can also be used without a noun.
  • That’s enough! Be quiet!
  • Enough is enough.
With adjective and noun

When ‘enough’ is used with an adjective and a noun, two positions are possible but the meaning changes. Look at these two sentences.
  • We haven’t got big enough nails. None of the nails are as big as we need.
  • We haven’t got enough big nails. We have some big nails but we need more.
When enough comes between the adjective and the noun (big enough nails) it qualifies the adjective – it tells us that the nails aren’t big enough. When enough comes before the adjective it qualifies the noun phrase – it tells us that there aren’t enough nails

who it favorite figure


The only woman and figure in my life is absolutely my mother. She understands me, care with me, she is also my friend in my house and she is everything for me. She has something that I haven’t and she can do everything what I couldn’t. No one can change her, no one can be with her ever after.

This are my mother activities to service her children involve me. Actually,  She has 5 children in our family, so sometimes I can’t imagine  how can she do that. She wakes up earlier, sets up all our needed until we wake sleep at night and you keep us to have a nice dream in our bedroom. Besides that my father also helps her to educate their children become a good man and pious child. She can do everything carefully and using by her heart, whatever the weakness comes to her physics or her mind. She can do everything by herself right now and ever after. I love you more than what her know.

One statement to say..

Sorry, I can’t and never change what you have given to me until now and forever. I hope God Always give the best one for you mom and His heaven letter.

Senin, 28 April 2014

Tugas bahasa inggris bisnis 2 MODALS

Modals adalah bagian dari auxiliary yang merupakan sekelompok kata bantu dan memberikan arti tambahan pada suatu kalimat dalam kalimat. Setelah modals harus diikuti dengan V1 .
Ada 2 bentuk modal ,yaitu present modals dan juga past modals.

Modals past
Can  = bisa
May = boleh
Must = harus
Will = akan
Shall= akan
Should = harusnya
Had to

Ada banyak kata yang sama dan juga bisa disebut sebagai pengganti modals.
Can / could = be able to , manage to
May / might = probable , possible , presumable, perhaps
Must = have to , need to
Will / shall = be going to , be about to
Should = had better , ought to , be supposed to
Adapun makna dari  diatas adalah sebagai berikut :

Nama : Novlina Purnama Dewi
Kls : 4 EA 17
NPM : 13209296
I.       MODALS
A.    CAN
1.      (+) Sandy can play the guitar
(-) Sandy can’t play the guitar
(?) Can sandy play the guitar ?
2.      (+) You  can buy a car at the showroom
(-) You  can’t buy a car at the showroom
(?) Can you buy a car at the showroom ?
3.      (+) You can speak English
(-) You can’t  speak English
(?) Can you  speak English?
4.      (+) I can understand this story
(-) I can’t  understand this story
(?) Can I  understand this story ?
5.      (+) She can listen your voice
(-) She can’t  listen your voice
(?) Can she  listen your voice ?
B.     MAY
1.      (+) You may go after study
(-) You may not go after study
(?) May you go after study ?
2.      (+) Children may play the football
(-) Children may not play the football
(?) May children play the football ?
3.      (+) You may speak English
(-) You may not speak English
(?) May you speak English ?
4.      (+) He may smoke in the room
(-)  He may not smoke in the room
(?) May he smoke in the room ?
5.      (+) She may listen to the Radio
(-) She may not listen to the Radio
(?) May she listen to the Radio ?
C.    MUST
1.      (+) Sandy must sleep in the bed room
(-) Sandy must not sleep in the bed room
(?) Must Sandy sleep in the bed room ?
2.      (+) He must smoke in the room
(-) He must not smoke in the room
(?) Must he smoke in the room ?
3.      (+)They must play together
(-)They must not  play together
(?) Must they play together ?
4.      (+) Bob must go to school
(-) Bob must not go to school
(?) Must Bob go to school ?
5.      (+) She must study for exam
(-) She must not study for exam
(?) Must she study for exam ?
1.      (+) They  might stay here tonight
(-) They  might  not stay here tonight
 (?) Might they stay here tonight ?
2.      (+) The student might study for exam
(-) The student might not study for exam
(?) Might The student  study for exam ?
3.      (+) Mom might cook rice today
(-) Mom might not cook rice today
(?) Might mom cook rice today?
4.      (+) He might go to Surabaya tonight
(-) He might not go to Surabaya tonight
(?) Might he go to Surabaya tonight ?
5.      (+) She might bring a Novel for you
(-) She might not bring a Novel for you
(?) Might she bring a Novel for you ?
1.      (+) my motorcycle is dirty. I should wash it
 (-)             my motorcycle is dirty. I shouldn’t wash it
 (?) my motorcycle is dirty. Should I wash it ?
2.      (+)You should go to the school
(-) You shouldn’t  go to the school
(?) Should you go to the school ?
3.      (+) we should write the task now
(-) we shouldn’t  write the task now
(?) Should we write the task now ?
4.      (+) He should teach English today
(-) He shouldn’t teach English today
(?) Should he teach English today ?
5.      (+) she should come here
(-) she shouldn’t come here
(?) Should she come here ?
F.     COULD
1.      (+) I could drive a truck
(-) I couldn’t  drive a truck
(?) Could I drive a truck ?
2.      (+) She could sing beatifully
(-) She couldn’t  sing beatifully
(?) Could she sing beautifully ?
3.      (+) Mom could cook chicken soup
(-) Mom couldn’t  cook chicken soup
(?) Could mom cook chicken soup?
4.      (+) father could read a Comic
(-) father couldn’t  read a Comic
(?) Could father  read a Comic ?
5.      (+) You could write a letter
(-) You couldn’t  write a letter
(?) Could you write a letter ?
1.      (+) I’m bad a English. I ought to take English course
(-) I’m bad a English. I ought to not take English course
 (?) I’m bad a English. Ought I to take English course ?
2.      (+) We ought to go to the Hospital.
(-) We ought to not go to the Hospital
(?) Ought we to go to the Hospital ?
3.      (+) You ought to stop smoking
(-) You ought to not stop smoking
(?) Ought you to  stop smoking ?
4.      (+)You ought to be wise
(-)You ought to not be wise
(?) Ought  you to be wise ?
5.      (+) we ought to be mature
(-) we ought to not be mature
(?) Ought we to be mature ?
1.      (+) The student will be exam tomorrow. The student had better study
(-) The student will be exam tomorrow. The student had better not study
(?) The student will be exam tomorrow. Had The student better study ?
2.      (+) You had better start studying
(-) You had better not start studying
(?) Had you better start studying ?
3.      (+) you had better say the words
(-) you had better not say the words
(?) Had you better say the words ?
4.      (+) we had better play chess
(-) we had better not play chess
(?) Had we better play chess ?
5.      (+) You had better sleep in the bed room
(-) You had better  not sleep in the bed room
(?) Had you better sleep in the bed room ?
I.       HAVE TO
1.      (+) She does have to sleep in the bed room
(-) She doesn’t  have to sleep in the bed room
(?) Does she have to sleep in the bed room ?
2.      (+) We have to study now
(-) We do have to study now
(?) Do we have to study now ?
3.      (+) I have to keep vegetables in the fridge
(-) I don’t  have to keep vegetables in the fridge
(?) Do I have to keep vegetables in the fridge ?
4.      (+)Mother does have to cook a cake
(-) Mother doesn’t have to cook a cake
(?)Does Mother have to cook a cake ?
5.      (+) They do have to go now
(-) They don’t  have to go now
(?) Do they have to go now ?
J.      HAVE  GOT  TO
1.      (+) we have got to stay at home today
(-) we don’t have got to stay at home today
(?) Do we have got to stay at home today ?
2.      (+) you have got to make a report. you have a meet in two hours.
(-) you haven’t got to make a report. you have a meet in two hours.
(?) Do you have got to make a report. you have a meet in two hours ?
3.      (+) I have got to cook for lunch today
(-) I haven’t got to cook for lunch today
(?) Do I have got to cook for lunch today ?
4.      (+) I have got to sleep tonight
(-) I haven’t got to sleep tonight
(?) Do I have got to sleep tonight ?
5.      (+)  you have got  to go now. you have a class in five minutes.
(-) you haven’t  got  to go now. you have a class in five minutes.
(?) Do you have got  to go now. you have a class in five minute ?
1.      (+) He prefer  coffee to  tea
(-) He doesn’t prefer  coffee to  tea
(?) Which does he prefer coffee to  tea ?
2.      (+) I prefer rice to bread
(-) I don’t prefer rice to bread
(?) which do I prefer rice to bread ?
3.      (+) we  prefer sing to dance
(-) we  don’t prefer sing to dance
(?) which do we  prefer sing to dance ?
4.      (+) mother prefer orchid to rose
(-) mother doesn’t prefer orchid to rose
(?) which does mother prefer orchid to rose ?
5.      (+) Father prefer a car to a motorcycle
(-) Father doesn’t prefer a car to a motorcycle
(?) which does Father prefer a car to a motorcycle ?
1.      (+) I like watching TV better than listening to the radio
(-)  I don’t like watching TV better than listening to the radio
2.      (+) she like dancing better than singing
(-) she doesn’t like dancing better than singing
3.      (+) He like Swimming better than Jogging
(-) He doesn’t like Swimming better than Jogging
4.      (+)We like Studying better than Playing
(-) We don’t like Studying better than Playing
5.      (+)You like Speaking better than Listening
(-)You don’t like Speaking better than Listening
1.      (+) She would rather eat rice than bread
(-) She would rather not eat rice than bread
(?) Would she rather eat rice than bread ?
2.      (+) I would rather drink milk than coffee
(-) I would rather not drink milk than coffee
(?) Would I rather drink milk than coffee ?
3.      (+) we would rather stay at home
(-) we would rather not stay at home
(?) Would we rather stay at home ?
4.      (+) I would rather speak English than japanese
(-) I would rather not speak English than japanese
(?) would I rather speak English than japanese ?
5.      (+) You would rather go to the peak than the beach
(-) You would rather not go to the peak than the beach
(?) Would you rather go to the peak than the beach ?
1.      (+) you would open the door
(-) you wouldn’t  open the door
 (?) Would you open the door ?
2.      (+) you would come on time
(-) you wouldn’t  come on time
(?) Would you come on time ?
3.      (+) you would like a coffee
(-) you wouldn’ t like a coffee
(?) Would you like a coffee ?
4.      (+) you would send the letter to my brother
(-) you wouldn’t  send the letter to my brother
(?) Would you send the letter to my brother ?
5.      (+) I would be your friend
(-) I wouldn’t  be your friend
                  (?) would I be your friend ?
Uncountable Noun
Uncountable nouns (disebut juga mass nouns) adalah kebalikan dari countable nouns, yaitu kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung, contohnya kata benda water. Kata benda tersebut tidak bisa dikatakan a water atau two water, tetapi lebih tepat digunakan bersama dengan kata benda lainnya yang dapat dihitung, misalnya a glass of water atau two glass of water. Contoh kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung:
  1. Water
  2. Milk
  3. Oil
  4. Blood
  5. Butter
  6. Rice
  7. Corn
  8. Hair
  9. Pepper
  10. Sugar
  11. Coffee
  12. Tea
  13. Soup
  14. Gasoline
  15. Ice
  16. Blead
  17. Cheese
  18. Chalk
  19. Sand
  20. Nitrogen
  21. Air
  22. Advice
  23. Assistance
  24. Fun
  25. Money
  26. Music
  27. Art
  28. Love, etc
Contoh Soal :
  1. How do you love me ?
  2. How many litres of milk do you drink every day ?
  3. Is it possible to run a car on methane ?
  4. Can i have some water ?
  5. Shall we sit on the grass ?
  6. Do you have any sugar ?
  7. Would you like some butter on your toast ?
  8. Who collects your mail while you’re away ?
  9. Do you want some mayonnaise on your salad sandwich ?
  10. Does the company provide accommodation for the workers ?
Countable Noun
Countable nouns adalah kata benda yang dapat dihitung, yang dapat menunjukkan kuantitas atau jumlah, contohnya kata benda pen dapat dihitung one, two, atau three pens. Contoh kata benda yang dapat dihitung: cat, dog, man, baby, person, animal, bottle, box, coin, cup, plate, table, chair, bag, glass, book, house, etc. Benda-benda yang ada di sekitar kita umumnya adalah benda yang dapat dihitung.
  1. Lot of creative people work in advertising
  2. Whiskey contains much more alcohol than beer
  3. Fewer birds came this yea
  4. The party has attended by a few me
  5. Fewer birds came this year.
  6. I ve get a problem with the car
  7. I’ve got some money.
  8. My cat is playing
  9. She is wearing four rings
  10. She buys a book
Contoh Soal :
  1. Have you got a paper to read ?
  2. Do you have a girl friend ?
  3. Do you have a bottle ?
  4. Do you have some money ?
  5. Do you have an umbrella ?
  6. Do you like these photos ?
  7. Do you have cat animals ?
  8. Do you have a book ?
  9. Do you want a table ?
  10. Do you want to buy this car ?